Finally, Zack's PSP port of id Software's Wolfenstein 3D has hit the big five-point-oh. The crashing bugs are now gone, so FPS fans can really get into the game without having to worry about hard resets. There's also a cool new TV Out feature to complement the port's Fullscreen mode.
Here's the full changelog for Wolfenstein 3D v5.0:
* Added Fullscreen at last. Now fills the screen properly. (Zack)
* Fully fixed the sound & Increased Volume. (Chilly Willy)
* Added Tv out (Chilly Willy's New SDL Lib)
* Fixed menu dialogue box corruption bug (Zack)
* Improved menu control system - X = Confirm, O = Cancel/Back (Zack)
* Improved menu dialogue box text - Now easier to follow (Zack)
* Fixed bug that made a certain version of the wolf3d data files crash upon level 3 of wolf3d (Zack)
* Enabled pause feature (Zack)
* Improved cheat code input - now easier to do cheats (Zack)
* Fixed cheat activation sounds not playing (Zack)
* Wolf3D Full Version Now uses 1 eboot for both cd and floppy files - (Floppy Files Require you to apply a once off patch) (Zack)
* Made graphics buffer non-cacheable to avoid cache flooding (improves speed and FPS). (Chilly Willy)
* Save and Load gamestate taken from WolfGL ; modified to fix checksum problem.
* Control Cleanup (By Chilly Willy) Mapping by (Zack & Chilly Willy).
* Added Option to change Cpu speed. O + Start toggles between 180mhz, 222mhz and 333mhz. (Chilly Willy).
* Fixed bug in gameloader where it would pick the wrong game sometimes. (Zack).
* Source code cleanup (can be cleaned more however) (Zack).
* Other various fixes (Zack).
Before you install this port on your PSP, please read through the bundled documentation first. For those who use the Wolfenstein 3D floppy version files, use the patch below before you run the game. Those who have any other version of the game don't need the patch.
Thanks to da1writer for the tip!
DOWNLOADDOWNLOAD with floppy patch